The poor ecological and chemical state of the waters of the Tagus hydrographic demarcation constitutes the main reason for the creation of this Chair by the SOLISS FOUNDATION and the Tagus Research Group of the UCLM.


Interesting Facts

Collective Memory of the Tagus River in Toledo


Research carried out by Marta Aguilar, José María Bleda, Beatriz Larraz and Raúl Urquiaga based on testimonies from Toledo men and women who lived along the Tagus River in the decades of 1950-70.

Collective memory of the Tagus River in which its importance is recorded in the memories of those years from the environmental, economic, emotional and sociological point of view. 

The conclusions of the research have been collected in the documentary "The Tagus River in Memory (Toledo)".

UNESCO EcoHydrology Demonstration Site

Since 2023

The middle section of the Tagus River has been included in the fourteen new Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites -Demo-Site- that UNESCO has approved in its last meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Ecohydrology Program (EH-SAC).

The objective is to apply ecohydrology solutions in hydrographic basins at all scales, with the aim of solving both social and environmental problems.

Interact with the Pressure Viewer of the rivers of the Tagus basin

Proyecto colaborativo, en el que, a través de una herramienta digital, la ciudadanía puede aportar datos sobre las incidencias e impactos

It is a citizen science tool that allows the collection, visualization and analysis of the different incidents and pressures that affect the state of conservation of the waters and river banks of the Tagus basin in real time.

Proposal for new exploitation rules for the Tajo-Segura Transfer

The UCLM-Soliss Tajo Chair and the Association of Riverside Municipalities of the Entrepeñas and Buendía Reservoirs (AMREEB) publish a report in which they propose new operating rules for the Tajo-Segura Transfer adapted to the minimum flows established in the Plan Hydrological of February 2023.

This is a proposal that would minimize situations of hydrological exceptionality in the Entrepeñas and Buendía reservoirs, favoring local uses and, especially, the ecological flows of the middle section of the Tagus River.

“But, one day, something very strange happened. The great river had almost no water, just a trickle, and it was very, very dirty. The birds were gone, the fish were scared and the trees were thirsty.”

From the story The Girl, the River and the Swallow, by Maria Soledad Gallego Bernad and Iris Atienza Gallego and illustrated by Guillermo Ferreira. Ledoria Publishing House.