The Tagus River Chair of UCLM and the SOLISS Foundation receives the support of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo
First conference of the cycle “Investigating the Tagus” by Carlotta Valerio, on the application of “machine learning” techniques to improve the state of rivers
The Tagus River Chair of UCLM and the SOLISS Foundation receives the support of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo
First conference of the cycle “Investigating the Tagus” by Carlotta Valerio, on the application of “machine learning” techniques to improve the state of rivers

A promotional video is broadcast and the page is presented web of the Tagus Chair before the media and representatives of town councils, institutions and social entities of the Tagus basin.

At the event held in Toledo, at the Cigarral del Ángel, Beatriz Larraz Iribas, director of the UCLM-Soliss Tagus Chair, conveyed the need for collective and decisive support from the different sectors of riverside society in the face of the serious situation. of the Tagus basin. Beatriz Larraz has advocated solving the problems of the Tagus once and for all, with the joint effort of society. Aware of the serious problems of pollution, of a river dynamic totally removed from what would be natural and of multiple connectivity problems, she proposes the collaboration of everyone, each within her sphere, to solve it. This problem has been collected by the Tagus Chair in a vídeo of impact and awareness that has been released at the event.

Beyond finding those responsible for the problems of the Tagus, the UCLM and Soliss Foundation Tagus Chair will focus its research on finding solutions. Beatriz Larraz has highlighted the important work of the business community of Castilla-La Mancha, highlighting that Soliss is an example for other companies in the basin to follow in their patronage work. Thanks to the support of the Soliss Foundation, a greater boost will be possible in the research and projects that have been carried out by the UCLM in relation to the river.

On the other hand, the media of the entire basin has been highlighted as a fundamental role. The ecosystem services that the Tagus can offer throughout its territory are a source of social, cultural, environmental and economic wealth that is not being taken advantage of, that is being allowed to escape. Therefore, the media must participate in solving the problems by transmitting to society what is happening in the Tagus.

Special thanks have been given to the important work carried out by organized society, such as the citizen and environmental groups of the Red del Tajo, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo or the Royal Foundation of Toledo. Currently, the Tagus Chair carries out seamless and mutual support work with these entities, work that must continue until the mutual objective that unites them is achieved.

Finally, Beatriz Larraz thanked the representatives of the city councils and local entities present for their support, the City Council of Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Aranjuez, as well as the Association of Riverside Municipalities of the Entrepeñas and Buendía Reservoirs. The important task that local corporations have in the surveillance and control of river spaces and, especially, in water purification has been indicated. For this purpose, the Chair has asked for support and decisive action.

Also participating in the event were César María Duro, director of the Soliss Foundation; María Luisa González Bueno, president of the Soliss Foundation; Jesús Carrobles, director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Historical Sciences of Toledo; Eduardo Sánchez Butragueño, director of the Royal Toledo Foundation; and Soledad de la Llama, coordinator of the Tagus Citizen Network. All of them have agreed on the urgency of joint work towards solving the problems of the Tagus.

The Tagus Chair was born from the collaboration between the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the Soliss Foundation. The objective of the Chair is, through study and scientific dissemination, to help the recovery of the Tagus and its rivers.