
The Tagus Chair

Presentation of the problems of the Tagus basin that are the main work objectives of the UCLM-SOLISS Tagus Chair

The Tagus

The situation of the Tagus River summarized in two minutes. Instructions for children and adults. Script by Enrique García Gómez, Drawings by Guillermo Ferreira, Animation by Rubén Dené and Voice by Erik Gatby.

A Deep Tagus: Memories of Toledo

Documentary short film about the memories of the Tagus River as it passes through Toledo. Through the testimonies we will learn about some of the reasons why the river has its current situation and why we must recover it as part of our natural and historical heritage. Made by La Espiral Cultural, Audiovisuales Doce Calles, TV CMMedia and Provincial Council of Toledo with the participation of Plataforma del Tajo en Toledo, Toledo Olvidado and the Tajo River Research Group of the UCLM.

Tagus, Major River of Spain

Chapter dedicated to the Tagus River, as it passes through Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Toledo, from the RTVE series "Spain, between heaven and earth". Documentary with beautiful landscapes of the river, not exempt from critical touches on the Tajo-Segura transfer, which leaves the river "in the bones" and "exhausted."

The Song of the Tagus

Continuation of the previous video, dedicated to the Tagus River as it passes through the provinces of Toledo and Cáceres.

Talavera Tajo, a City and Its River

Testimonies from Talaveranos about their experiences, feelings and struggles around the Tagus River

Meeting of the Tajo and Jarama rivers in Aranjuez

Drom recording of the river board, made by the Audiovisuales Doce Calles de Aranjuez group.

The Tagus River as it passes through Aranjuez

Video of Audiovisuales Doce Calles on the river as it passes through the riverside city.

The Tagus after the storms

Video by Audiovisuales Doce Calles. After the storms of recent days, the Tagus River arrives in Aranjuez full of water and with a brown color from the sediments that it has dragged in its path during the flood. It is wonderful to see the river so full of life.

Trailer: A Deep Slash. Memories of a river.

Documentary series directed by Luis Centurión and produced by Raquel Troyano. Chapter 1 - "As it passed through Toledo". A production by La Espiral Cultural, Audiovisuales Doce Calles, TV CMMedia and Diputación de Toledo with the participation of Plataforma del Tajo en Toledo, Toledo Olvidado and the Tajo River Research Group.

The Tagus from a drone view

Impressive images and brief and concise explanations about the main problems of the Tagus basin, made by El País.

Learn in this video the history of the Tajo-Segura Transfer

Another propaganda video from the Central Union of Irrigators of the Tajo Segura Aqueduct, about the operation of the transfer.

25th anniversary of the Tagus-Segura Transfer

SCRATS video on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the interbasin transfer. Interesting for their images and statements by those responsible at the time about what this work was going to mean.

The Jarama

Chapter of the RTVE series "Los Ríos". A testimony from the Madrid region of the 70s in which the problems of lack of water quality that we suffer today already appear. Interesting to see, almost at the end, the junction of the Jarama and the Tajo.

The Alberche, 1976

In line with the previous one, chapter dedicated to the Alberche River.

The Tietar, 1973

Chapter of the RTVE series Los Ríos dedicated to the Tiétar River.

Fecal discharges in the Jarama River

Jarama Vivo's video complaint about untreated discharges in the middle area of ​​the Jarama River.

Inauguration of the Entrepeñas and Buendía Reservoirs. July 1958

Franco inaugurates other swamps. But it is not just a few more, but rather the gigantic Entrepeñas and Buendia.

Entrepeñas and Buendía: electricity, supply

NODO report on the Entrepeñas and Buendía reservoirs.

Inauguration of the Valdecañas Reservoir 1965

Franco inaugurates another swamp. The regulation of the Tajo in Extremadura is being completed.

Franco Inaugurates the Borbollón Cáceres Reservoir 1954

Franco continues to inaugurate swamps. It is up to the El Borbollón reservoir, which regulates the waters of the Arrago River, in Cáceres.

Inauguration of the Alcántara Reservoir. 1970

Franco inaugurates another reservoir, the Alcántara reservoir in Cáceres, at the time the "largest in Western Europe", as indicated by the NODO announcer.

The "paradise" of Entrepeñas and Buendía in the 70s

Propaganda video of the Entrepeñas and Buendía reservoirs as a tourist attraction in the 70s.

Manzanares River in the South Treatment Plant

Drone flight of the Manzanares River. Illustrative to observe the morphological modifications of its banks, the alteration of the riverside forest and the lack of quality of its waters. Published by Jesús García in February 2016,

Reports and interviews

Interview with Nuria Hernández-Mora

Interview conducted on the Despierta news program on Canal Castilla-La Mancha on the occasion of World Water Day. Nuria Hernández-Mora, researcher, member of the FNCA and member of the Tagus Chair, reviews water policy, the relationship between scarcity and drought, the Tagus-Segura Transfer, its relationship with the collapse of the Mar Menor , the pollution of the Tagus River, the need for ecological flows and some of the solutions to the problems in the basin.

Interview with the Director of the Tagus Chair

Pollution and low flow. These are the two main problems of the Tagus River that begin to manifest themselves from the junction with the Jarama and continue at least until Extremadura. To try to correct this situation, the Tagus Chair has been created, promoted by the UCLM and the Soliss Foundation. Interview conducted on 02/23/22 in the CMM program "Castilla_La Mancha Despierta".

The Green Beetle: The Axis of the Tagus

Extensive report appeared on the TVE program El Escarbajo Verde, dedicated to the problems of the Tagus basin. Members of the Tajo Research Group of the UCLM and the Tagus Citizen Network participate.

Tagus, Chronicle of a Death Foretold

A report for the Portuguese audience, on the state of the Tagus River, carried out by journalists Luciano Alvarez and Federico Batista, from the newspaper PÚBLICO. A different point of view from the neighboring country.

When the Toledo people bathed in the Tagus

Diocesan Radio Television of Toledo. It is 45 years since the ban on bathing in the Tagus River has passed, with various claims due to the poor state in which it is found.

Jarama River

Chapter of the program "My camera and I", in which a journey is made from the source of the largest river in Madrid to its mouth in the Tagus. The program has a rather uncritical character.

The Low Flow of the Jarama is Practically Discharge Water

"Jarama Vivo" warns of a serious environmental and health problem and demands good waste management and sufficient resources to clean and "cure" the river, such as the construction of storm tanks (something that has already been done in the Manzanares River ). But not only is the water contaminated, the shore is a blanket of garbage hidden under the sand.

Increase in the flow of the Tagus as it passes through Talavera

Exceptional situation experienced in 2018. Estimates indicate that the flow of the Tagus as it passes through the city of ceramics has multiplied by four in recent days. A river situation that many did not remember...

Situation of the Tajo as it passes through Talavera de la Reina

June 2019. The situation of the Tagus, as it passes through Talavera de la Reina, is devastating. In addition to the waters invaded by algae and dirt, there are sections where you can walk.

Tagus River in Talavera

2012 TeleToledo News report on the state of the Tagus River as it passes through Talavera de la Reina.

European parliamentarians know the reality of the Tagus in Talavera de la Reina

On February 10, 2016, a group of European parliamentarians visited Talavera de la Reina to learn about the reality of the Tagus River in its basin, the result of a complaint brought to Brussels in 2006 by the United Left group of Castilla la Mancha.

At the bottom of the Entrepeñas reservoir, interview

TV Guadalajara Media interview with Julián Palomar, mayor of Chillarón del Rey, who talks about how a riverside municipality faces the month of August 2017 in its town, with serious water problems.

The City hidden under the waters of the Alcántara Reservoir

The heritage flooded under the waters of the Alcántara reservoir in Garrovillas de Alconétar, Cáceres.


Carlotta Valerio. Investigating the Tagus 2022

Anthropic pressures, ecological status and mitigation measures: contributions to the debate using machine learning.

Lecture Series Investigating the Tagus 2022. Conference organized by the UCLM-SOLISS Tagus Chair, in collaboration with the Royal Foundation of Toledo, on February 17.

The Tagus River: a river between two waters. 40 years of the Tagus-Segura transfer

How much water has been derived? Is it possible to maintain the transfer? In this conference given by Fernando Payán Villarrubia, a Roads, Canals and Ports engineer closely related to the sustainable management of water resources, he explains the exploitation of the Tagus-Segura transfer, as well as its implications for the ordinary functioning of the river.

Conference organized by the Castilla-La Mancha Library, in March 2019.

The effect of urban treatment plants and the Tagus-Segura transfer on the quality of the waters of the Middle Tagus

Online Colloquium in April 2020, organized by the Botín Foundation and the UCM.

Antonio Bolinches Quero. The effect of urban treatment plants and the Tagus-Segura transfer on the quality of the waters of the Middle Tagus. Implications for the Third Planning Cycle.

Purification and Improvement of Water Quality

Round table organized by the CHT within the EPTI Public Participation Workshops, in 2020.

Quality of Continental Surface Waters

Antonio Bolinches, researcher at the Water Observatory of the Botín Foundation and the UCM, summarizes in less than ten minutes his study on purification in Madrid and the quality of the waters of the Middle Tagus, for iagua-magazine. June 2020.

The Implementation of Ecological Flows in Spain

Gabriel Mezger Lorenzo. May 7, 2020. Botín Foundation.

The implementation of ecological flows in Spain and their capacity to mitigate hydrological alterations caused by dams.

Machine Learning to model the effect of management measures | Botín Foundation

Round table. June 5, 2020. Botín Foundation.

Botín Foundation seminar with the objective of showing a vision of different applications of machine learning for water management.

An economic analysis of inter-basin water transfers: the Tagus-Segura transfer

Round table by Enrique San Martín González, professor of Applied Economics and Economic History, UNED; Rafael Castejón Montijano, professor of Applied Economics and Economic History, UNED; Amelia Pérez Zabaleta director of the Associated Center of Madrid, UNED

Cycle Investigating the Tagus 2018

Fifth edition of the Lecture Series "Investigating the Tagus" and, as always, with the help of the Royal Foundation of Toledo. A varied selection of speakers to talk about studies on the management of the headwaters, the Tagus-Segura Transfer, native crayfish populations, the possibilities of river restoration, the agricultural model and the effects of hydroelectric production in the basin.

Cycle Investigating the Tagus 2017

In 2017 we celebrated the IV Cycle of Conferences "Investigating the Tagus", with the invaluable collaboration of the Royal Foundation of Toledo. We were able to learn better and discuss the fish populations, the bird populations, the Tagus-Segura Transfer and the geomorphological dynamics of the river.

Cycle Investigating the Tagus 2016

For the third year, in 2016 we continue giving continuity to the "Investigating the Tagus" Conference Series. With the support of the Royal Foundation of Toledo, we continue to show and debate the reality of the Tagus basin. On this occasion, we were able to learn about studies on purification systems, groundwater, the impact of reduced flows on aquatic fauna, as well as the populations of fish and invertebrates that the basin has.

Cycle Investigating the Tagus 2015

Throughout 2015, the second Cycle of Conferences “Investigating the Tagus” continued, with the participation of the Royal Foundation of Toledo. As in the previous edition, relevant research topics were presented and debated to understand the state of the Tagus River and its rivers.

Cycle Investigating the Tagus 2014

During 2014, the Conference Series “Investigating the Tagus” began at the headquarters of the Royal Foundation of Toledo. Research topics as relevant as the environmental effects of the regulation of flows in the river, the impact of the Tagus-Segura transfer on the national economy, the governance system in the Tajo, river restoration in the basin or the changes in its fauna as a consequence of pollution.